Today I need to read my students' material. I should also write, in theory, but am feeling highly unmotivated. We'll see. In general, I'm behind at the moment -- on writing, on Kriti, on the SLF, on small errands and tasks. I get anxious about falling more behind. It makes me grumpy, and unsettles my sleep.
I woke up this morning from a dream in which I was grading a student paper; the student had written a story about animals, and had for some bizarre student reason decided to bring various animals (lizards, snakes) in as part of the project. Since I was working in a small MFA program attached to a zoo, that seemed okay -- we added his animals to one of the cages and then started going over the story. But then we realized that the cage we'd picked didn't have a top, and one of his snakes was getting out, and he didn't seem to know whether it was poisonous or not. When I started telling one of the zoo administrators about it, he got quite annoyed with me. And then a huge spider/beetle creature -- bigger than my knee -- started scuttling across the floor towards me, climbing right up onto the couch where I was sitting, and I woke up, heart racing.
There are — no doubt — better sites out there, but this is the one I use for weight lifting.
I really like women’s weight training. Great site, great attitude, lots of women power. Should fit in nicely with your Alias watching, and they have some “home gym” routines. 🙂
I figured that people would come up with better sites than I could (I’d forgotten that existed!). I was right. But I did used to be a fitness instructor, and in recent months have gotten back to pumping iron, so next time I’m in your neck of the woods, if you like, I can show you some exercises.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys, and Nalo, I’ll take you up on that next time you’re in town. 🙂 Karina also mentioned that Self magazine ( has a lot of home exercise programs, with useful slideshow features. And Kevin told me that Oprah’s website has a bunch of weight stuff with videos as well.