On the plus side, I've just taken a few minutes and numbered the pages on the finished first draft of The Arrangement, which I did manage to complete on the plane yesterday, just before my battery died. This version clocks in at 101,547 words. I suspect it needs another 50,000 words or so before it's done -- it's very bare-bones and to-the-point at the moment, and I like my novels to be more subtle, complex, lyrical than this one currently is. But it can get done in revision. I want to start revising right now, but a) I have other things to do, and b) Bob needs to read it, and c) I undoubtedly ought to let it sit and simmer for a bit, so ignore it I shall.
I can't quite take in that I've actually written my first novel. It all happened in between all the other, more urgent, bits of recent life.
Okay -- brush teeth, goop hair, off to interviews. Wish me luck!
Good luck! And big congratulations on finishing the novel! If you need a first reader, please let me know.
Seconding the note for first reader. I would be honored.
And I loved the line about it happening in between. I think that was what Jay was trying to say about writing every day. I must get on that train.
Guys, I think I have enough feedback for now, but possibly on the next round. Check back with me then, if you still feel like it, please. 🙂