Sat 2/5 -
United #0928 ORD 6:05 p.m. - LON 7:55 a.m. (7 hrs, 50 min)
SL Air #0506 LON 10:25 a.m. - COL 2:50 a.m. (10 hrs, 25 min) (arriving Mon 2/7)
Sun 3/6 -
SL Air #0505 COL 2:45 a.m. - LON 8:45 a.m. (12 hrs)
United #0949 LON 12:25 p.m. - ORD 3:10 p.m. (8 hrs, 45 min)
Still no word from Milwaukee. But St. Joseph's confirmed their interview, and I managed to persuade the lovely people at Vermont to let me arrive late on the 28th, so I've changed to a later flight, squeezing in a few more hours for potential interviews. So that's good. I think I'm now up to 7 confirmed at MLA, with an 8th likely (Birmingham, AL).
Kev and I spent about three hours on the phone last night, mostly talking about academia. One of the nice things about his being away is that we actually probably spend more time in extended conversations with each other; I think we've probably talked a total of eight or nine hours in the last three nights. When we're both home, all our chatter gets interspersed with all the business of day-to-day life. It's nice to have these extended conversations, more in-depth.
That said, it'll be even nicer to have him home again on Saturday.
Now must run and prep for a meeting with some folk from the Chicago Humanities Festival, to see if they want to co-sponsor Kriti. Wish us luck! This would be very good for us.
Hope you manage to meet Sir Arthur.
Sorry…forgot that I’m not the only David who posts here. The above post is also from me, David Bellamy.