I got the contact sheets back from Suzette, so yes, it's time for one more photo poll. Hopefully the very last, at least for a long, long time... Once a decade seems about right for doing an author photo. :-)
Thanks, Jason. It was an awful lot of work, and I didn’t lose as much as I’d originally hoped, but enough that I could live with the pictures. Maybe next year I’ll take a stab at it all again, try to get down to at least 130 (I ended up hovering around 138 or so), if not the 120 my doctor recommends. But right now, if I can just hold steady through the holidays, I’ll be very content. 🙂
Ooh, ooh! Pick D! D! 🙂
You look really great in these photos, Mary Anne. I can tell you’ve lost weight.
Thanks, Jason. It was an awful lot of work, and I didn’t lose as much as I’d originally hoped, but enough that I could live with the pictures. Maybe next year I’ll take a stab at it all again, try to get down to at least 130 (I ended up hovering around 138 or so), if not the 120 my doctor recommends. But right now, if I can just hold steady through the holidays, I’ll be very content. 🙂