Our list of volunteers wouldn't be publicized in any way -- we would simply send the list of names and contact e-mails to technology recipients. If at any time you would want to be removed from the list, we would be happy to do so.
If you're willing and able to serve as volunteer tech support for this program, please drop a line to me with the following details:
tech specialty: (i.e., Macintoshes, Canon digital cameras, etc.)
e-mail contact:
phone contact: (if you're feeling particularly generous :-)
Thank you very much!
Here’s a link (via BoingBoing) to something that seems sort of analogous for people in the visual arts:
Might be interesting to somehow cooperate?
Here’s the BoingBoing article:
Once the SLF’s tech exchange thing is up, you should publicize it on BoingBoing…
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