Reading this book brought up a whole bunch of warm fuzzy feelings towards Kevin, which is particularly nice because back when we lived together in Philly (lo, these ten years ago), he asked me to *please* stop reading romance novels because I was always angry at him and unhappy about our relationship afterwards, because he/it didn't live up to the fabulousness of the heroes/relationships in the novels. It's reassuring, to know that I can now read a romance novel and enjoy being reminded of the ways in which we can be just as sappy as the characters -- while still being level-headed enough to not demand that Kevin be just as perfect as those heroes so often are. Growing up, I guess. Slowly. It's nice that being older appears to come with being happier. So far, at any rate. Fingers crossed.
I want to just dive into the Voigt, but I'm going to study some Spanish instead. My exam is now scheduled for next week Friday, which gives me about ten days to study. Creo que puedo hacer esto, si no juego todo el tiempo.
Yes, I'm sure I mangled that. Luckily, I only need to translate from Spanish to English, not the reverse.
Yes, being older and being happier do seem to go together. Since my teens, each decade has been happier than the previous one. (I just began my 60’s a couple of weeks ago.) I am glad the same is true for you Mary Anne…may it continue!