Need to go out and pick up a few things (coffee, sheets, a sweater) this morning, and then I may actually try to hit the gym. I've been a lazy bum for quite a while, and I think I'm starting to feel it, with a general lack of energy, lethargy. Exercising should help.
Later today -- more revisions, hopefully. Or possibly even a new story; I woke up with one percolating in my head. Two, actually -- two inter-related stories. Both for the dissertation book. We'll see if they're ready to write or if they need to simmer some more. (Just watch me mix those cooking metaphors! :-)
Happy Saturday, people. It's a beautifully crisp fall day here, with the sun brightly shining and my toes a little chilly. A good day to be outside, walking in the sunlight.
When mixing cooking metaphors, stir by hand, as a blender may damage the delicate integrity of the ingredients.
From Dave Barry’s blog:
It was obviously going to be a Yankees Marlins Series, because that clearly can be rearranged to spell “IRS eyes Sri Lanka semen,” which frankly is just something that we’ve all come to expect from them.
— Tony Sams