- Sweep the kitchen floor (and I scrubbed the edges for good measure...they were gross)
- Straighten up
- Finish rearranging plants from last night's redecorating extravaganza
- Contact Delia/Gavin re: interstitial arts organization/possible overlap with new foundation plans
- Give feedback on draft of grant proposal for SH/SF3
- Buy stamps
- Buy breakfast food for guest
- Pick up swiffer fluid, sponges
- Finish labelling and mail out a dozen subs (mostly more sim subs of "A Gentle Man", plus I e-mailed "Pieces of the Heart" to Glimmer Train and I'm sending "Lakshmi's Diary" to Harper's)
- Wash towels for guest
- Spackle holes from old shelf
- Buy plastic tube at hardware store for art project
- Clean the bathroom
- Clean the tv room/guest room
- Take photo of pork curry (made last night) for recipe book
- Cook kottu roti with pork curry (make actual rotis if time and test against tortillas)
- Send department letter forms for recommendation letters (should've done days ago, no idea why I've been stalling on this one)
- Revise "Other Cities" and send to Atlantic
- Repaint various spackled spots if we have the old paint
- Hang shelf in bedroom
- Add David's chana masala recipe to cookbook
- Review crit notes for NJ workshop and send out
- Send questionnaires to both workshops
- Invite both workshops to join main mailing list
- Done:
- Still to do:
[note: I'm now using this as a checklist, going back and editing the list as I go. Hope it's not too confusing to y'all, but it's making it easier for me to actually keep doing stuff instead of plopping down in front of the tv.]