M’ris was talking in her…
M'ris was talking in her last entry about how she has a hard time coming up with foods that aren't acidic. So I thought I would help. I offer a nice broccoli and cheddar quiche. Or possibly a spinach and parmesan quiche. Nummy, quick to make, little effort, no acidity. Any other suggestions?
Miso soup!! Not only is it not acidic, it’s actually “basic” (as in acids and bases) and will counteract acids in the stomach. It’s incredibly easy to make – just get miso paste at an Asian grocery store. (And you can add tofu, green onions, seaweed, mushrooms, whatever!)
Ooh, thanks, Jenn! I was just going to ask if there were any other suggestions, since I just hate quiche for some reason. I’ve recently developed horrible heartburn/ acid reflux, and I can’t eat any of my favorite spicy foods without searing stomach pain! It makes me want to cry!
That’s terrible, Heather!! Well, try some miso and see if it helps — just don’t get that instant kind in packets from the grocery store. Ick!! I have a “nervous stomach”, and miso has proven invaluable to me.
For what it is worth, I had terrible, almost daily heartburn/acid reflux until I went on the Adkins diet. Now this problem is nonexistent for me.