Okay, so here’s your…

Okay, so here's your chance to vote. I'm going to plan on going ahead and doing the new book (tentatively titled Silence and the Word) at somewhere between 150-250 pages; there's really no reason not to. That means it'll be a trade paperback, costing something like $16.95 or so to the reader. You can consider it something of a sequel to Torn Shapes, a collection of my fiction, poetry, and nonfiction, and including a mix of mostly reprints with a few new pieces. I might include a few photographs too, especially if I take any good ones in Europe. :-)

So this question is particularly directed to those of you who might buy such a book (no commitment required), though I'd of course be interested in hearing from any of you with opinions -- what would you like to see in the book? Any particular stories, poems? Speak now, because you likely won't get another chance. :-)

Pieces included so far, just to remind you:

  • Esthely Blue
  • Silence and the Word
  • Johnny's Story
  • Wild Roses
  • Exposure
  • Flowers and Branches
I (obviously?) won't be including anything that appeared in Torn Shapes.

7 thoughts on “Okay, so here’s your…”

  1. so, I’ve got another question that is totally unrelated: how do I get my blog out there and advertised to the masses?

    please help!

    can I list your site in my links maryanne?

  2. Ericka, those two will definitely be in there. You’re welcome, of course, to link to my journal. I don’t have a lot of good advice for getting your journal linked; there were strategies that worked pretty well when there weren’t so many people on the net, but now, I find it just overwhelming. Maybe someone else can be more helpful?

    C.J., I’m thinking about How It Started; not sure. Will keep thinking. 🙂

    David, I’m pretty sure the poet stories will end up being their own little illustrated chapbook, ideally with illustrations by Kat Byer. I definitely want to publish them, but I don’t think they really fit the tone of the book.

    What about poetry? Didn’t you say you wanted some poetry? I can’t seem to decide which of my poems are any good…help would be much appreciated.

  3. Hmmm, I always enjoy your poetry, how about:

    “Guilty Pleasures” is fun, and so is
    “and we go spinning”, and you might like to reread
    “the sock tray”, I find that I hear music in my head when I read “After Rain”, and speaking of rain, I read “Sitting Under a Tree, In the Rain” several times a week (it is on my favorite coffee mug after all). I guess I’m not much help as I can’t seem to find any but good choices for the book…. thanks for an excuse to read over the poems again.

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