My publicist at Penguin has asked for names of any reviewers that they should send review copies of Kathryn in the City and The Classics Professor to. (In case you're new to the journal, those are two choose-your-own-adventure erotica books I wrote last winter, coming out May 26th.) So I have two requests:
a) if you review for somewhere and would like a review copy of either (or both) books, please send me your name and address and the name of the publication, so I can request that they send you a copyObviously, I already know about Clean Sheets, but I'm out of touch with other erotica (and erotica-reviewing) publications at the moment -- any help would be very much appreciated!b) if you can recommend publications that carry erotica reviews, please either e-mail me or post in comments here (if you post publically, then any other authors reading can collect them for their own future reviewing needs :-) -- I believe in sharing the wealth.
Been meaning to mention: _Kathryn_ was mentioned in the May 2003 issue of Romantic Times Bookclub, in an article called “Hot Summer Reads” (p. 56). RT Bookclub does review erotic romance, so they might be a potential place to send a copy of the book.
I had planned to query them about a review, but I didn’t know about that earlier mention. Was it just a line or two?
They wrote,
“If you’re the kind of woman who knows exactly what you want, join KATHRYN IN THE CITY for a choose-your-own erotica adventure by Mary Anne Mohanraj from Penguin’s new Gotham Books imprint.”
Interesting, thanks!