Staggered out of bed around 10-ish today, and took Karen to the Art Institute. I became a member; I hope to go more often. The Indian section made me think more about the Saraswati novel; the modern art section made me think about building shadow boxes (Cornell was the name of the artist with the fabulous shadow boxes there, I think). Inspiring. We were lost in a art fugue for several hours; completely lost track of time. Eventually, we wended our way home, watched a little tv and had dinner (I'll be eating leftovers for several more days, I think) -- then Karen left me (loaded down with many books I pressed on her), heading off to IKEA and then home to her husband and son. Happy for her, sad for me. So it goes.
Now I'm reading Butler's Kindred, which I managed to finagle onto my exam list somehow. I'm not actually quite done with the historical part of my list, but I needed a break after the Thackeray -- something quick and modern. Good so far. Expecting to continue good; Karen's recommended it. Best go back to it now.
More VSD updates soon, I promise, and responses to comments. I appear to be incapable of dealing with net stuff with guests around; not sure why.