I forgot to tell you some news -- I got a proof copy of Kathryn in the City yesterday! Very exciting! I admit, I'm not entirely thrilled with the cover; it's fine, but a little dull to my eyes. I can live with that, though. The interior design is all beautiful, and the book feels good in my hands; it's a nice size and shape. And it's a book, a real book. In some sense, my first...umm...well, it's not a novel, not really. I don't know what to call it. But it's definitely not a collection of short stories and poems, like Torn Shapes was, and there's some sense in which it feels like a step forward -- like this is my first real book. It's certainly my longest single piece of writing thus far, whether you want to call it a novel or not. Not that it's that long -- at 62,000 words, it's just barely novel-length. But long enough. Yay!
Okie, Kevin's out of the shower, so I can go pester him now for a bit, before he runs off to his go thingie. And then maybe I'll make a coconut sambol -- that doesn't require any oil. And maybe by then Mirna will be up. We'll see.