In other news, got nothing accomplished yesterday. Kevin had a bad headache all day, and I ended up spending much of the day just being with him, watching tv and chatting and such. Not that he needed me to, or that it actually helped his headache any. But it was more pleasant than working.
Roshani and I are actually going to do our big Christmas shop today. So, I have about two hours to get in some reading before she gets here, and then the rest of the day is pretty shot as far as work's concerned. Dinner with Chicago Alex (one of Kevin's colleagues here, so designated to be distinguished from Russian Alex (Gurevich), British Alex (Lamb), and American Alex (Harman)) tonight. Should be lovely. We're only asked to bring wine, so that's easy.
I settled on Don Quixote, btw. So that's what I'll be reading now, and probably all of tomorrow. The Ormsby translation, in the Norton critical edition of 1981. In case you care. :-)