In other news, finished the second book. (Technically, it won't be finished until tomorrow, when it's done pressing, but I'm done actively doing things to it, so good enough. :-) Very happy with how it came out! The camera doesn't really capture the dark intensity of the raw silks; the colors are a fair bit darker than what you're seeing to the right (the photo below is closer). Not sure why.
Huge thanks to Karen for e-mailing me quilting instructions -- or at least instructions for the first phase of quilting, which it turned out was all I needed. Irons are very helpful! In fact, I don't think you can really sew without an iron. Sewing machines are also helpful -- even with one, this cover took long enough that I may never do a patchwork cover again...without a sewing machine, there's just no way. It ended up using five strips of ten squares each -- I suppose if I'd used bigger squares, it wouldn't have taken so long, but it wouldn't have looked as good either. I *am* sort of tempted to do triangles at some point, just to see whether I can make stars and other shapes. But I figured that was beyond my meager skills at the moment. :-)
I'm including a large picture of the interior below, just so you can read a little of the story. Isn't my little star/ribbon bookmark cute? Sterling silver -- I assume the sparkly bits are just glass, but still, very cute.