In other news, the weather is seriously weird here. Big dust and wind storms all day, turning the sky this strange brown-orange, making it hard to breathe. It smells strange; I suppose that's the ozone? It's just started turning to rain; we're supposed to have rain storms and a bit of snow tonight. It's been sundress weather here for weeks and weeks; what an odd thing, weather is.
I've been feeling fairly sick today. Had an odd, passionate craving for a hamburger; I think I needed iron. Went to Cucina and got some roast beef; feel a little better, but still out of it and feverish. Can't concentrate much on anything; did work in bits and pieces, but finally gave up. Read some of the fifth Lemony Snickett book, but had trouble concentrating on that. Instead am now re-reading my beloved Riddle-master of Hed, which I am finding most comforting. Should last me until the good tv comes on.