Jed's made a stack of books he thinks I should read, and I'm slowly working my way through them. It's a little frustrating when I like things he doesn't, or vice versa, but there's usually at least something of value in it, even if it's not precisely my cup of tea. But sometimes he's spot on. I was taking a break from the computer for lunch and picked up the top book on the list, Bradbury's Machineries of Joy. I read the title story, the one he'd recommended. It's utterly charming, just a perfect little gem of a story. And now I want to ignore all my plans for today and just curl up and read Bradbury all day long. I won't do it, but I want to.
Speaking of stories, I wrote a silly little one that M'ris didn't end up taking for her anthology. I could work on it some more and send it out to make the rounds...but really, I'm not interested in spending much time on it, since it's a slight little thing. So I'll just post it here, in the following entry, for your reading amusement. Enjoy, munchkins.