I did have a good time for most of yesterday. Paul and Marcia did come by for dinner, and Peter joined us unexpectedly about halfway through Star Trek. If I'd known he was coming I would have made another dish; we were eating pretty simply, with just some biryani rice and a potato/green bean curry. Oh, and a bit of chutney. He didn't seem to mind, though. We ate and watched tv (I was a bit distracted, but I actually think this was the first good Enterprise episode, though they're definitely taking some liberties with canonical Vulcanness -- and wasn't Spock supposed to be the first Vulcan serving in Starfleet? Wasn't that part of the whole point of Sarek's anger (see "Journey to Babel") at his son? But anyway...) and drank a nice tangy riesling and Paul pulled out the guitar and we actually sang a bit. So pleasant.
Around nine we headed off to the party; I ended up not being a pirate after all. All the pirate garb was just too bulky -- it was annoying me. So I put on my little brown silk tango dress, stuck a white rose in my hair, and became Billie Holiday for the night (Marcia's idea -- she's good with costumes). People actually guessed who I was, on the first guess, even. Though I should've figured out a way to put my hair up...
Marcia had the best costume -- she was a fabulous Hermione. And
apparently, she already had all the clothes -- all she needed to do was
assemble them and sew on the Hogwarts patch. Very cool.
Had some good conversations at the party, but at some point a conversation about sex turned into one about marriage and parternship and children and I just got depressed. Luckily, things broke up not so long after and I was able to catch a ride home -- not so luckily, my gloomy thoughts continued in that vein for quite a while, which probably had more than a little to do with my sleeplessness. Feh.
Anyway. Gonna go curl up with a kids' book for a while, I think. Oh, and I should probably eat something. Right. Talk to y'all later...
2:45. I suck at resting. I did have lunch and spend an hour re-reading Patricia Wrede's Dealing with Dragons -- that's such a delightful book. But I got restless after that, and ended up spending a while working on the SH POD book possibilities. Much thinking about numbers and money and such. Makes Mary Anne's head hurt. One of these days, I'd really love to find someone to take over the financial end of the magazine -- writing checks and contracts and watching the budget. But really, that's most of what I do, and I don't know that it's a job that anyone finds fun, so I feel guilty at the thought of shuffling it off on someone else. Eh. It's not so bad. Normally it's just a couple of hours once a month. Small price to pay for such a fabulous magazine, eh? :-)
But now I'm really going to rest some more. I am having to stifle the part of me that is noting that I have all this free time and I could be running around getting errands done -- there's a poster I need framed, and I need stamps so I can *do* checks and contracts, and there's a huge sale at the mall (not that I actually need clothes, but at 70% off, you ought to go look, no?)...but it's like momma says -- if you're too sick to go to school, you're too sick to play. So there. Back to bed for me...