The morning's started pretty productively, although I again slept badly. Made tea, had a little curry on toast, and finished rereading the Star Trek book. That put me in a good mood, and when I sat down at the computer, I put the soundtrack to Shrek on. Good thing I have headphones! I wouldn't inflict this kind of bouncy music on David early in the morning. But it was perfect for energizing me, and I did a bunch of revisions on "How it Started" (still not sure that's the best title for this one -- it works well for the story, but isn't memorable by itself). I sent this more polished draft off to the EROS list just now; we'll see what they do with it. I think I may show "Wild Roses" to the Melcher editors too -- it's not so sexy, but a little, and there is a rainstorm in the story. I'm still planning on trying to write another one today, which makes me sound like Tim Pratt or something, but it just feels right. I'm sort of at a pausing place on the BW stuff until Monday, because I need to make a bunch of phone calls to New York people. I do have some SH things to take care of, and I may try to do a bit of that today. I need to do lots of new calls for staff; we're having a little turnover, and a bunch of new positions will be starting September. Well, a few, anyway. So we need job descriptions for them. Oh, and I have to do the much-belated newsletter, 'cause Jeremy's computer got fried this week. And I have to do some stuff with the t-shirts and mugs, but that's another thing that has to wait 'til business hours. Anyway, I'm babbling. I guess I'm not as coherently awake as I thought I was, which maybe means I shouldn't have trusted myself to do edits, but too late now. :-)
10:20. Almost bedtime; just thought I'd check in. I didn't end up writing another story today -- nothing came quickly to mind, and I was feeling sufficiently virtuous for writing one yesterday. I did a fair number of revisions on "How it Started" this morning (especially appreciating Karen's helpful comments on how to swear effectively and believably), which was satisfying. I then alternated working on SH stuff (jobs descriptions, newsletter, organizational matters, etc.) with skimming through Diane Duane Star Trek novels. Comfort reading. In the evening, I chatted with Jed for a bit and did some revisions on "Still" -- big revision day. At this point, I'm reasonably happy with both of those stories and with "Wild Roses". In that sense, it's been a very productive couple of weeks. Sometimes I go months without producing a new story. (Tim and Marissa have permission to be appalled at my slothful indulgence).
The next week looks moderately busy. Tentative plan:
- Monday - Get caught up completely(!) on BW stuff. Figure out what's going on with the SH t-shirts and mugs. Have dinner with David and Susan. Feed Susan gobs of curry.
- Tuesday - Go up to Berkeley (hey, Wendy -- I have some books to return to you...) and work in a cafe. Try to write another story. If that fails, draft Asian sf book proposal.
- Wednesday - Do any BW stuff that has come up, and then do whatever I didn't do Tuesday.
- Thursday - birthday! I'm spending the day with David; apparently we're going to some strange American ritual known as a "baseball game". This should be an interesting opportunity to study the natives. No work unless I really want to.
- Friday - Work on something. Dunno what.
- Saturday - big birthday party with M'ris and Susan, followed by reading at Perverts Put Out in San Francisco. Hey, did I mention that yet? If you're in the area, you should come to the reading. I'm thinking I might read "How it Started", if it's not too long.
Perverts Put Out Reading
8 p.m., San Francisco, $12-20 sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of funds, reserversations strongly recommended, details here!And that's all, folks...sleep well.