In other news, had a lovely day yesterday, work interspersed with Susan and Karen and Heather and Jed. :-) And David, of course. Today, I think I'm going to take it relatively easy, because I spent some time coughing last night, and I really don't want to come down with anything!! M'ris is sick, and she sounds miserable, and I would like to stay out of that boat (although I did try to convince David that we could bring her down some chicken soup -- or chicken curry, at least. M'ris, you want curry? flowers? visitors bearing tea?) So instead of trying to write today (the original plan), I'm going to finish the Martin instead, and possibly write the review for NYRSF (New York Review of Science Fiction, but that's the last time I'm spelling it out for you, okay?). I might have been further along, but I took two hours yesterday to read the latest Mrs. Pollifax novel. Other Change of Hobbit is an evil bookstore. Evil! I also picked up Emshwiller's Ledoyt, although I think it'll have to wait until after Perdido Street Station. They also talked me into buying the February issue of Locus, the year in review, and now I have a whole new list of books I want -- the book budget is growing slim, though. I think I may shift to borrowing for a bit. Heather, when M'ris finishes the sequel to Sabriel, can I borrow it?