Long-distance relationships suck. They suck rocks. The only thing worse than being in a long-distance relationship with someone you love is not being in a relationship with someone you love.
I'm a little better today, but it's just been one of those go go go days from the moment I got up. I'm going to take a break from 5-6 and watch Star Trek, then it's back to work until I go to sleep. Tomorrow I get up early and work until class time, then have classes, then go get on a plane. I plan to collapse in Kevin's arms around 8 p.m. If my plane is delayed even a teeny tiny bit, I *will* hurt someone.
Okay, clearly, I'm in a mood. I'll try to write again once I get to Chicago. I hope I see some of you at ChiCon -- by Friday, I should be in a better mood, especially if all goes relatively smoothly with the Strange Horizons launch. And please, if you're in Chicago and interested in coming to the SH tea on Sunday at 4 at the Fairmont, even if you're not attending the rest of the Con, drop me a line and I'll let you know where it will be.
I promise not to snarl. :-)