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Things I Like About Getting Older
- More people are willing to hire me in positions of responsibility
- My parents treat me a little less like a child
- My hair has cool silver strands in it
- My students treat me with more respect
- Sometimes I don't bother to try to compete with the 18-yr-old bodies
- My little sisters ask me for advice
- Fewer people ask me what my major is
- I have more discipline
- Skills accumulate over time
- Sometimes I know what I'm talking about when I talk about writing (or
teaching, or sex)
- I'm not as nervous in bed
- I'm more willing to take (reasonable) chances
- I have more perspective, so small setbacks aren't as traumatic
- I'm also less likely to buy into stupid societal mind games
- I enjoy being a geek more and more
- I don't feel as much of an imposter when I'm telling people what to do
- I'm not nearly as terrified about starting a Ph.D. as I would have
been a few years ago
- My encroaching mortality makes me savor life more
- With each year that passes, I'm more convinced that I'm doing an okay
job at this living well idea
- I begin to hope that I may actually someday grow wise