So I’ve added the Philly…

So I've added the Philly section to those photos (and my dears, please to stop sending me reports of broken links there? Normally I muchly appreciate such notices, but this section is in progress, and if there are links that don't go anywhere, that means I'm still in the midst of writing those pages. Consider this a sneak preview). Also taught two classes. Pretty good day so far, but I had trouble falling asleep last night, so now I'm yawning. Which does not bode well for the 4 hours of driving lessons I have this afternoon (two of which are required observation; I sit in the car and try not to fall asleep). I'm going to treat myself with lunch at an Indian restaurant downtown beforehand, though, and continue reading Severna Park's The Annunciate. I'm not very far into it yet, so I can't tell you how it is.

May post again later today.

Oh, I want a nap!

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