Sat and Sun: Had fun at con, met Cat, really enjoyed singing with her, met de Lint and managed not to drool overmuch, got really tired and kind of sick. Didn't bode well for upcoming longer con.
Mon: Taught (good class), collapsed afterwards. Don't remember much else. Think I dealt with e-mail.
Tues: Went to Borders. Wrote a story, very temporarily named "Pieces of the Heart". Will try to publish as is in a few places, but it will probably be part of a longer story. About Leilani (sister of Lakshmi). Went swimsuit shopping because my sexy black mesh thing has started to shred with wear; no longer decent. Bought the first swimsuit I tried on, a cheerful blue/green plaid tank and bikini bottom thing! Much excitement. Came home and collapsed. Oh, spent a while talking to Kevin, who was staying at Roshani's, having somehow managed to find a place in Chicago in one day. Or maybe that was Monday. Something like that, anyway.
Wed: Taught class. Ran around like a chicken with my head cut off, packing and doing last minute things. Got on a plane. Got on another plane. Started a book whose author and title I am totally blanking on right now -- it's the guy who had the death threats on him, and the book is not the blasphemous one, but the one about the baby born on the day of India's independence. Sheesh. My brain is fried. (The Seth ended beautifully, btw. Highly recommended). Played solitaire. Stared out the window. Typed up a chronology of the stories in the Sri Lankan series, and added a couple other stories that might work in there. Current set:
- Season of Marriage (Raji - Colombo, Sri Lanka 1981)
- Interruptions (Savitha - Oakland, CA 1999)
- Bodies in Motion (Chaya - Evanston, IL 1999)
- Lakshmi's Diary (Lakshmi - Hyde Park, IL 1969-99)
- Pieces of the Heart (unfinished) (Leilani - Hyde Park, IL 1966)
- Lulu's Husband (Luluah - Hyde Park, IL 1981)
- The Light at Dawn (Maenaka - Hyde Park, IL 1989)
- Ramesh's Story (Ramesh - New York, NY 1997)
- Seven Cups of Water (Medha - Colombo, Sri Lanka 1948)
- A Gentle Man (Suneel - Massachusetts 1979)
- unwritten but plotted (Ashok / Riddhi / Himali - Colombo 1983)
- Challah (Roshan - Boston, MA 1998-9)
- Minal in Winter (Minal - Hyde Park, IL / Massachusetts 1999-2000)
There was a lot more in there, of course. Various crises on mailing lists (which I'm getting pretty tired of, to be honest). More names in the naming contest. A CS reader survey! Talking up the magazine at the con. A little Frasier last night (the first time I'd pulled the tv out in a month or so; I was tired.) Hot dogs for breakfast lunch and dinner because I was too tired to cook. Ran out of Synthroid a few weeks ago; my dad promised to send me some more but not here yet. (Not sure if that's why I've been so tired but probably. Is my fault -- I should have reminded him; he gets really busy.) Bought a few summer dresses. Bounced a check accidentally (ouch! had money in savings). Didn't make it out to feed Paul and Marcia's pets and felt horribly guilty. Thought some more about incorporation.
Okay, I can't believe you're still reading this stream of consciousness nonsense. I should clearly take Roshani and Tom's good example and go to bed. I'll try to write more coherently tomorrow; Roshani and I are going to spend the day working in a cafe, and then I take a bus up to Madison for WisCon in the late afternoon.