Well, it's rather a grey day today. I think that's mostly 'cause I slept badly (well, and 'cause it's been grey outside, with snow falling intermittently and heavy skies otherwise) last night, and haven't been able to start work, and stayed up late reading (and writing a little, though I didn't finish the story, which is probably part of the frustration) and haven't been out yet today. Okay that's probably not just mostly, that's probably all of it. Sorry -- I don't mean to whine. It's not that anything's really wrong..just a tired feeling, y'know? I also exercised for the first time in forever -- Kevin picked up some weights and a jumprope yesterday -- which is good, but probably contributing to my tiredness.
There *is* a good side. I finished the _Sirens and other Daemon Lovers_ anthology which had a higher percentage of excellent stories than I've found in an anthology in quite a while. I *wish* I'd been invited to contribute!!! Lots of big names, as well as authors I've vaguely heard of but never read. Many of the stories were so compelling that they drew me into that author's personal world, and made me not want to leave. I want to find books by these people! My favorite stories in this anthology were probably the ones by: Tanith Lee, Edward Bryant, Elizabeth Wein, Pat Murphy, Dave Smeds, Doris Egan, Kelley Eskridge, Mark W. Tiedemann and Ellen Kushner. This is more than half of the anthology, I think. And on another day, I might tell you different authors. Nothing in here was bad.
I also read Sean Stewart's _Passion Play_ this morning. A tiny little book, but very intense. I recommend this one highly to anyone who was an English major in college -- or anyone who has read or seen Faust -- or anyone raised as a Fundamentalist -- or anyone who has worried about what a Fundamentalist America would be like. I'm reading his _The Night Watch_ now.
It's very odd being here in some ways. I see so many people when I'm in the Bay Area -- there isn't time to see everyone (there wasn't even before I started spending so much time away). Here, I only know Kevin. It's odd. Peaceful, though. And I'm certainly catching up on my reading.