Had some fun yesterday with Lydia picking out some fabrics for my pirate costume (there's a pirate ball coming up, and this year's WorldCon theme is piratical, so I had a good excuse to make a costume). I think I'm going to be an elegant lady gone bad...so I've got a green silk dress that I made for Pennsic some years ago that I'm going to shred a little, and layer a bodice and some scarves over it. Fun. :-) David was around when I was planning things yesterday (like a thigh sheath for my dagger), and said I looked like a little kid at Halloween. He seemed a bit bemused. :-)
I hope everyone's having a pleasant holiday. I'm mostly working today, puttering around, working on the costume, cleaning out my files. Kevin arrives tonight, though we're not going to meet up 'til tomorrow or Monday -- he needs to help out his sister with some stuff, and I have to stay up here and host the poly brunch tomorrow. Soon.
Of course, this isn't a holiday for everyone (though it *is* Paul's birthday everywhere...happy birthday, Paul, if you happen to be reading this!), just the Americans. But hopefully the rest of the world is having a good day too, and maybe thinking kindly of us? Well, maybe not everywhere...
If I weren't in the midst of filing (a chore I've been putting off for far too long), I might write a long and meaningful passage on what it means to me to be an American. Of course, David would then point out that technically, I'm not really an American (I'm still a Sri Lankan citizen). But as soon as I have a $100 to spare, I'm going to fix that, and in the meantime, I must say that as much as I've enjoyed the other countries I've visited, and even though I might even go and live abroad for a few years, I think this is where I'd want to end up. This country has great problems, but great potential too. So everyone think good thoughts for her today, okay? And enjoy the fireworks...