May Song
As I walked to school this morningthrough the warm drizzling rain, I realized
that I wore too many clothes.
Cloak, sweater, dress, shirt,
underwear, socks, shoes.
Too many.
And all I wanted at that moment
was to pull them off and go
find you, and take you dancing
in the rain, in the woods,
under the dark spreading branches,
or go rolling in thick-scented
fields of wet grass, with our hair
curling damp around our faces,
with our bodies warm and wet.
Now, it has started pounding down,
and it will take an effort of will
to walk away from this computer,
and sit down, in a circle of students
in my classroom, and discuss
Edith Wharton,
when I would so much rather...
Well, you know.
2:50. It's a day for poetry, apparently.
Grad Student Haiku
The thesis is done --
signed and turned in. Is this peace
unfolding within?