Life is going moderately well. Kinda freaked out again in the middle of the week -- had a rough critique of "Slow Illuminations", had big novel plotting problems, had Lucius tell me that he thought I should be writing mainstream stuff instead of sf/f, made four false starts at stories, about 1000 words each, all of which died. Bad day.
On the good side, the novel plotting appears to have been ironed out, with a lot of help from Kate, Kevin and Alex. I wrote a short funny piece yesterday which I think I rather like, "On the Rocks". I decided that Lucius is occasionally full of shit. :-) And it's Friday. Party tonight, party at Greg Bear's tomorrow. And no time to stress, since I have to write a novel synopsis by Monday and cook dinner tonight for the group. (Chicken and mushroom crepes in a white wine sauce, steamed broccoli, crepes with fruit and chocolate syrup and ice cream for dessert). They will say about us in later years -- 'Ah yes, they may not have been able to write, but that was the Clarion that ate well.'
We're also thinking of nicknaming ourselves the "Sensible Clarion". There are all sorts of stories about past Clarions -- multiple affairs, suicide threats, pregnancies (planned and unplanned), and generally dire straits. We're at the end of third week now, and as far as we can tell, nobody's suicidal, nobody's pregnant, and nobody's sleeping with anybody else here. We're actually generally getting our work done, on time, and doing some extra work as well. And we still like each other!
Anyway, I should probably go answer a little more e-mail (I'm getting very behind, so apologies if you're waiting on a response from me -- I *will* get to it at some point) and then get my laundry out of the dryer. And then chop mushrooms. Lots and lots of mushrooms.
Have a good weekend, everyone. And while you're relaxing, think of me, hunched over my laptop, typing madly.
3:15 - Note: I've collected the interviews (and will soon have the columns) here.