Serendib Garden

Lime tree

Noticed this morning that the Makrut lime tree I bought for Kevin this Christmas (okay, for both of us (okay, maybe mostly for me)) has started blooming. Little limes coming, yay! This is my second time trying a lime tree; the first time, I bought the smallest one they had, didn’t manage to water it

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  Stephanie may have arrived for our work session yesterday morning to find me standing on my kitchen island, taking this shot of the amaryllis. 🙂 It’s just SO symmetrical! (Vaguely annoyed with self for not adjusting stake to make the stem completely centered in the pot…but that way lies madness, Mary Anne.)   Hm. Wish I’d

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The amaryllises that I started later than usual are finally starting to bloom. I’m okay with this timing — just in time for Valentine’s Day, and since they usually bloom for 4-6 weeks, it’ll hopefully be long enough carry me through to spring.

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