- jump dead car -- DONE
- return rental car -- DONE
- call De Wolfe re: surgery -- DONE
- 1:00 -- meet with Stacy re: master closet -- DONE
- assemble IKEA couch for playroom -- DONE
- watch tv on new couch with Jed -- DONE (tried first episode of Sanctuary, hmm...)
- groceries -- Kev DONE
- send Kevin K. all the grant materials -- DONE
- cook dinner -- DONE
- move relevant pantry items to kitchen shelves -- DONE
- play board game with Jed -- DONE (tried Lost Cities -- fun!)
- clean rest of first floor-- DONE
- hang art from WisCon -- DONE
- unpack from WisCon -- DONE
- do laundry -- DONE
- drop off kids (blanket, change of clothes) -- DONE
- groceries (fresh fruit, stuff for dinner) -- DONE
- Home Depot errands (potting soil, etc.) -- DONE
- Great Indoors (return faucet, buy different faucet) -- DONE
- UPS store: get stamps, return microwave, hardware -- DONE
- return library movie -- Kev DONE
- Miele repair 1-3 -- part one DONE
- play board game with Jed -- DONE (tried Pandemic -- fun!)
- break down a dozen boxes for recycling -- DONE (with help)
- pitch for Lowball (due June 1!) -- DONE
- get fence letter and call Manny!
- pick up dry cleaning
- call in prescriptions and pick up
- drop off lights at Two Fish for rewiring
- talk to Ceci re: finishing stained glass piece
- return many things to IKEA
- send SLF grant award check
- call bookstore re: textbooks
- plant planters
- sew shower curtain and bench cushion
- send e-mail re: birthday party
- write final con report
- read and respond to Nicole's essay
- set time / date for CBS meet & greet in early July
- start conversation with CBS board & Tempest re: workshop / literature discussion
- file grade change
- revise "Red Light" and send out to Ellery Queen
- finish drafting "The Language of Birds"
- start new Inspector Chandran story (bicycle theft? murder of WisCon character?)