I've waited too long to write a final WisCon blog entry -- it's all blurred together into a bittersweet tangle. I love going to WisCon, and I have so much fun there (and so little sleep), but every year it gets a little harder to say goodbye to all the amazing people. And of course, every year I meet even
more amazing people. A year will come when I just arrive at WisCon and spontaneously combust from the fabulousness of it all.
Here's a photo courtesy Julia Rios, of me and Ben at karaoke, singing Total Eclipse of the Heart. That can stand in for the rest of my WisCon, I think.

Much of yesterday was lost to plumbing nightmares, which sent me running around town for hours and left me frayed and weepy. It'll all be sorted out eventually, if we throw enough money at the problem, but there's very little money left to throw. Stressful. Jed was a big help with watching kids, breaking down recycling, and keeping me company; he also taught me
Pandemic, which was a brief, bright moment of fun. Jed leaves this morning, and I kind of want to spend the day resting, but the kids are in school today (and won't be again until Monday), so it makes sense to try to get stuff done. Also since IKEA is near O'Hare, and I'm going to drop Jed off. But still, I'm hoping to have all the errand-y stuff done by 1, and just do low-key sewing and gardening at home this afternoon. We'll see.
write final con report -- DONE
play one last game of Pandemic with Jed -- DONE
take Jed to airport -- DONE
drop off lights at Two Fish for rewiring -- DONE
assemble play kitchen from IKEA -- DONE
send e-mail re: birthday party -- DONE
drop off Brown Elephant donations -- DONE
plant planters -- DONE
call in prescriptions and pick up -- DONE
decide on ceiling fan for master -- DONE
read and respond to Nicole's essay
set time / date for CBS meet & greet in early July
start conversation with CBS board & Tempest re: workshop / literature discussion
sew shower curtain and bench cushion
order vacuum breakers
check height on faucet for kids' bath
run through electrical list and see if there are any more fixtures needed
get fence letter and call Manny!
pick up dry cleaning
hang planters
send SLF grant award check
call bookstore re: textbooks
file grade change
revise "Red Light" and send out to Ellery Queen
finish drafting "The Language of Birds"
start new Inspector Chandran story (bicycle theft? murder of WisCon character?)
Next week:
return many things to IKEA