This afternoon I'm planning to go to Filter to get some writing done; I've been spending so much time on schoolwork and other projects that there hasn't been time. And I did tell my students that I'd try to finish a draft by the end of the semester, so I need to get my ass in gear if that's going to happen. Luckily, this coming week is spring break, so I should have lots of time to catch up on the writing, in theory at least. GOAL: 15K new words by the end of the week.
Mostly the last day or two I've been working on Kriti Festival -- much madness. We've got a great line-up of panelists and events set up at this point, and I'm finalizing space and hotel and logistics and all that good stuff. So mostly we just need people to actually attend. :-)
If you're planning to register, PLEASE do so now. Rates go up March 15th, and it's really helpful to us to have some pre-registrations in hand to help estimate attendance and budget funds. For example, if another 50 people register by the end of the week, we can book the Natya dance company to perform Saturday evening, which would be great -- we can't afford to otherwise. Similarly with booking Funkadesi, a cool fusion band. So, please register, please tell your S. Asian-lit-reading friends to register, just spread the word in general. We're five weeks out, so now is the time!
If any of you can help with publicizing the event, especially with writing pieces for newspapers, lit blogs, S. Asian blogs, etc., please let me know!