I'm still not sure if they mean direct sunlight only, or just ambient sunlight/light to effect this change. I'm more hopeful now, though, that we might find a place with the finishes I like. That's not a requirement, but it'd be nice.
Example of color change. And from an advice website:
The color change of Jatoba or Brazilian Cherry as it is more commonly known is pretty severe. When first installed it has a organge/salmon color, over the next month or two it changes to a dark brown red color with exposure to the sun. After that, it will probably darken slightly more. Just know that you will get most of your color change within 60 to 90 days. You don't have to wait a year to put those area rugs down.All these things I don't know. It overwhelms me sometimes.Now it is similar for North American Hardwoods like above. American Cherry and Walnut will darken in service, but woods like Oak get lighter, Maple and Hickory get yellow-er, all woods get effected in some way by the suns powerful rays. If you do put down area rugs, just move them an inch or two every couple of months, so you don't have such an obvious line.