Hey, munchkins. I'm back, very tired. Had a great time, per usual (and even made it back in time to teach last night's class, which also went well). Terrific group of writers -- lots of fun hanging out with them. Almost no sleep. Ate too much starch and cheese. Loved the walks on the beach. Wrote a new story. Not sure when I'll get photos up -- camera problems. But in the interim, you can view Mark Teppo's
gorgeous landscape photos and read Jason Erik Lundberg's
journal entry. More undoubtedly forthcoming soon. :-)
In other news, we've found a company interested in sponsoring a $750 annual SLF older writers' grant, very exciting! So will be working on setting that up in upcoming months. And we've gotten our first travel grant application -- before we even got the official page linked on the main site (any day now). Very exciting!
Remember -- the SLF is always looking for volunteers. Volunteering means you won't be eligible for our grants/awards while you're a volunteer, but you can put in a few years now and apply later.
Dawn Burnell posted a journal entry, as did Mark Teppo.