The role of the literary agent is really a fascinating one -- if you've watched Frasier you know that the most effective agents are often the most immoral ones -- they're out to get as much money as possible for their clients (and by extension themselves) using whatever means necessary. They're free to be jerks -- it's part of their job description. At least in theory -- I suspect in practice, the real jerks quickly stop having editors answer their phone calls. But all this really does free up the writer to pretend to be clean-handed and utterly innocent about the whole sordid financial publishing world. When in fact, you're right in there with that agent, saying yes, yes, yes, go for it. Just don't tell anyone I said so. Weird.
Plan for this morning -- tea, shower, take things down to the car, and then I should have an hour or so before leaving in which I can work on setting up the last bits of the SLF membership drive. We'll see...