I did get up and shower and wash my hair and everything -- but then I put pyjamas on, 'cause it just felt like that kind of day. A classic kind of day. The kind of day when you lounge around in your pyjamas, reading novels and drinking tea, curled up under a dark red afghan, with music playing softly on your iBook...(okay, so that last part isn't so classic, but it should be. :-)
I had a nice dinner with John last night; pizza good. :-) Slow start this morning, but eventually did get around to checking e-mail and then doing some reading. Finished Murakami's Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Very good, and I want to read more of his eventually, but I'm afraid I can't afford the time right now -- his stuff is long and dense and takes me a long time, and I'm starting to feel like I really need to decrease the massive stack of unread books sitting pathetically next to my bookshelf. I'm not sure what I'll take on next...probably The Vintage Bradbury. I suspect I've read many of these stories before, but probably very long ago -- in grammar school, even. I picked up the book because I realized I didn't actually own any Bradbury (shocking, I know...). It'll be a treat to read it.
In theory, I should work a little first, but I'm feeling pretty groggy and tired today -- I think I'm fighting off a cold. I may try to work on the SH book some, but I suspect I won't be so successful. Luckily, reading counts as work too. :-)
The real dilemma is whether I cook dinner (effort I don't really feel like making) or change clothes and pick up something at Cucina. It's half-price after 3 on Sundays, I think...that makes it extra tempting. But I'd have to take off my cozy flannel pj's -- life is full of difficult choices. You understand, I'm sure.