Pool bar food, tasty. I had the ceviche, Roshani had the fish tacos. Then I went back to the room to work for a while — I drafted a new interlude for Jump Space (which I’m SO CLOSE to finishing, I can taste it) — I think it’s a little too on-the-nose as it is, and I want to take another stab at it very shortly, but I got some of what I want down, I think. We’ll see.
In the late afternoon, we went for a long walk to uptown (artsy) and downtown (more standard commercial) Palm Springs. Did a little shopping, enjoyed walking in a sundress with the hot sun beating down on my skin. Then the sun dropped behind the mountains, and it was abruptly MUCH cooler; good thing I’d worn a scarf thingie that was wide enough to use as a shawl.
My phone died because I’d forgotten to charge it OR carry the spare battery, sigh, so v. limited photos of the Palm Springs shopping district and the pretty flowers, alas. I will do better today, I promise.