Okay, I'm going to stop obssessing about this book. Really. I'm going to stop checking the Amazon page hourly, my heart soaring with the rank gets better, and dropping like a stone when it gets worse. I'm actually going to pack all my stuff up and go to Borders today and be away from the net connection for at least four hours. I'm going to write that stuff for Puritan, that will actually bring in some money (I've already been paid a flat fee for AE -- I couldn't get them to give me royalties; of course, the publicity if it does well is still excellent for me, Clean Sheets, etc.). I'm going to wear a pretty dress and sit in a cafe sipping tea and looking at the lovely temple. I'm not going to do compulsive Alta Vista and Deja News searches for Aqua Erotica (which basically turn up nothing useful). I will be calm.
Ummm....surely I can think about something else? Maybe I better have some tea first. Something might come up.