Plan for today: Still super-tired, still don’t know why. Sigh. Most of what I have to do is computer work, so that’s reasonably restful, but I am feeling super-avoidant about all of it, and would much rather sort out the too-small clothes in my child’s closet while half-watching a very dumb Jennifer Aniston movie, or climb up on a ladder and hammer in little nails to hang fairy lights around his room.
But am going to power through, dammit. Urgent responses on academic things first and also SLF things. Then less urgent but still important SLF things. Will take break at some point to finish croissant lamination, with plan of actually baking apple-cheddar croissants and plain croissants and chocolate croissants to greet the children with when they come home at 3.
Need to count up the marshmallows and milk toffee I’ve made already and package them, ready for shipping out with Kickstarter (Heather, I know you sent me that list, but could you send it to me again? No idea where it is. And I think a few more came in after you counted, before we closed it, so probably you need to do a final recount anyway). Then figure out how much more I have to make — I think a few more batches of marshmallows and one more of milk toffee. Need to write recipe cards.
I have 25 papers to grade, and it would be very nice of me to get that done and get them back to the students tomorrow.
Also, Wild Cards drafting. I’m making progress on the story, but it’s not done yet. Writing is peaceful. I should do some more of that. I don’t need to plant all the remaining bulbs today. (But I want to.)
I feel like I’ve been arguing with my brain for a week now, and it’s exhausting. Need to work. Need to rest. Want to do everything, except the things that are actually due. GAH.