It is *really* hard to assess my energy levels right now. I feel fine, I do stuff, and then there's -- sometimes -- a delayed reaction. I know it's going to be a solid month post-chemo before my white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, etc. are close to normal again, and I'm not quite two weeks into that time. But I feel *fine* when I wake up now, and if I'm just wandering around the house puttering, so it's confusing.
The exercise is also good for me -- it's recommended for aiding recovery -- so just avoiding it entirely is not a good option either. I think I just have to self-impose some structured limits on sustained physical activity (like walking, or taking clothes on and off hangers) -- maybe one hour / day right now? And then I can bump it to two hours / day next week? Something like that.
Now, I need to wind down enough to actually get a solid eight hours of sleep before tomorrow's first day of teaching (which shouldn't be *too* strenous physically, but is always a bit of an emotional rollercoaster of exhilaration, nerves, etc.). I think I may dose myself with NyQuil to ensure a good night's sleep. Otherwise, I suspect I'll wake up over and over from dreams where I'm teaching a math class. Naked.