There was a point, way back when, when we had talked about setting up a South Asian arts collective here in Chicago, so we could jointly cross-promote each others' events and provide a central website hub -- we'd even come up with a name, I think -- Pomegranate Arts? Maybe? I'd love to pick that project up again, if people are interested.
Probably in January I'll be setting up a private Facebook group where we can have conversations about Kriti festival planning going forward; that seems easier for people than e-mail these days? Something to decide in January, when we'll be having a planning meeting.
I'm hoping to do a little event in February, a launch for my new book, sponsored by both DesiLit and the SLF, and showcasing a variety of local South Asian artists; it'd also combine with the Jaggery Winter issue going live on February 15th, so somewhere around Valentine's Day? We could do the Thursday beforehand, and preview the magazine there. So that's definitely one thing I'd like to talk about at the January meeting, as sort of a pre-Kriti event as well. Ideally with music, comedy, alcohol, food -- that kind of thing, rather than just a reading. Something that sounds like enough fun to be worth going outside in Chicago in February. :-)
Other main things to do at a January meeting: finalize Kriti festival dates (for October or November), finalize location (mostly at UIC, I think), choose keynote speakers to invite (I have a preliminary list). Anyway, if you're possibly interested in coming to the January meeting, let me know, and I'll send you the details.