4th of July 2013
Going to the Oak Park parade with Bryan, Elissa, and their kids.
Anand's hat kills me. (Outfits by Old Navy.)
I believe I asked them to proclaim "I love America!" here.
It's a longish walk to the parade; Anand cadged quite a few rides along the way.
I'm not sure if you can buy glee cheaper than three little wood-and-cloth American flags from Target for a dollar. 33 cents each!
The main attraction of the parade is the candy they throw. The kids did a lot of diving for candy.
This child is way too pretty. Those eyelashes.
Candy for me! (Also, I love the little silver stars on her shorts.)
I'm not sure why almost all the candy passed out from the various floats was lemon hard candy. I mean, I'm not complaining. It's just odd.
Clapping along to the music.
Derby girls were popular!
My handsome boys. :-)
Brie, fig jam, and star-shaped crackers afterwards.