- clean up pantry -- DONE
- clean up mudroom -- DONE
- attend Racialized Body talk on campus? 11-1 -- DONE
- stop by Nadeau and see if folding table right dimensions -- DONE (and nope)
- get Anand Angry Birds light-up shoes at Sears -- DONE
- exercise: treadmill (33 min) + bicep curls -- DONE
- plant berries, daylily, gladiolus in backyard -- DONE
- put away kids' clothes -- DONE
- make doctor appt.
- make dentist appt. (ugh.)
- make doctor appt. for Kev?
- call gym and ask re: training sessions
- check Forest Park antique store for various pieces
- return Zappos shoes
- send out info on next DesiLit book club meeting
- set up Jaggery e-mail lists
- do final check on submission guidelines
- run by staff and check dates
- publish guidelines (reading period May 1 - May 31?)
- schedule Kriti planning meeting
- work on poetry chapbook
- add newer poems to website
- clean up old tomato cages, etc.
- shovel up leaf-mulch and compost
- clean up airlock
- prep reimbursements
- finish grading 114 miscellany
- check and make sure all ASAM tasks are dealt with
- ask Anna re: food order for Monday's meeting
- hand in reimbursements to Amy
- attend second Racialized Body talk on Thurs
- attend undergrad reading on Thurs