I find powdered creamer disgusting in tea, but I have resorted to it when desperate. We all do terrible things when we're desperate. I then noticed the cupboard below, opened it to see a small fridge, opened the fridge to find...wait for it....a small carton of milk! MILK! Oh my god. Folks, I already liked Australia, but this -- this level of civilization -- this might be enough to convince me to abandon my family and just stay here. Greater love hath no man than to provide proper tea for his guests.
My electric kettle is going now, I have just finished eating my leftovers of spicy utthapam from last night's delicious dinner at Chili India down the road (the fried chili paneer was so good that I am going to have to try to figure out how to cook and serve it to my guests at home). And soon, I will have tea with sugar and milk. My cup runneth over. Not literally.
PS: For the record, I don't know if this falls under free-tea-making-supplies or exorbitant-mini-fridge-charges, and I DON'T CARE.