Shifting to a slightly earlier schedule

I’ve been thinking a lot about how I want to structure the summer writing. My best bet to actually go deep into writing is to do it first thing in the morning, and ideally before most people are awake.

When I was in grad school writing Bodies in Motion, I actually went to bed at 8 and got up at 4 to write, but I had broken up with Kevin and I had no life, so there wasn’t much impetus to stay up past 8 anyway. I currently go to sleep around 10.

I think I’m going to try shifting to a slightly earlier schedule. Tentative plan: bed by 9, up by 5, writing by 5:30, aiming to write from 5:30 – 8 or so, CST, weekday mornings.

Co-working folks are welcome — is anyone interested in joining? This would be silent writing — I’ll open up the SLF pro Zoom, and anyone can join, muted, no verbal chatting (though if you want to chat in text, I think that’d be okay). Video on or off, as you prefer.

Come when you want, leave when you want — and I’m happy to leave it open later even if I’m not writing; I can open it from 5:30 – 11:30 a.m. CST, for example. We have meetings in the afternoons sometimes. But note that it will be unmoderated; if someone comes in and is abusive, etc., I may not see that if it happens after I’m done with my writing for the day. I doubt that’s going to be an issue, but just something to be aware of.

Thoughts? Tentatively thinking I’ll try this for the month of May initially, see how it goes.

(Graphic from Writing Scientist:

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