Better than nothing.

Writing accountability — kind of harried morning, only had about 20 minutes available, wrote a tiny scene, 438 words. Better than nothing.

“When they were little Nandini used to take them for ice cream sometimes, as a special treat. Nandini liked wood-apple, and Genisha usually picked Marmite and caramel, which Shanthi thought sounded so disgusting, she couldn’t even bring herself to taste it. But coconut…mmm… She felt herself leaning forward, and for a moment, the world shimmered, and a chilly breeze wafted past – but then it was gone, and she was just standing in the heat, feeling magic slip through her fingers.”


Plan for today:

  • run Kavi to school because it’s so cold
  • shower and dress
  • drive Kevin in (he teaches an hour before me) because his back is still bad (otherwise he’d walk to the train or bike in, because he’s a hardy soul)
  • prep for teaching
  • teach two classes back-to-back
  • drive me and Kevin home

I got the most urgent computer work done yesterday, but I was moving slowly (had some difficult personal conversations that left me feeling rocky), and instead of it being a morning’s work, it took most of the day before I could make myself do it. There was a lot of watching Northern Exposure and playing Polytopia. So no crafting yesterday, alas.

I’ll likely be tired enough after teaching that I’ll just collapse with more TV when I get back — I love teaching, but it takes a lot of extrovert energy, like a performance, and I’m just wiped out afterwards.

When I first started teaching, I tried to stack my four adjunct classes on Tues / Thurs, to leave me time to write, and I could do that, but six hours of teaching completely wiped me out for the day. And I was thirty then — at fifty-two, I don’t think I’d have the energy to do that, not for a whole semester. 2-3 classes is about my limit in a day now. (Even back then, I feel sorry for my fourth class; my energy was definitely down a lot, compared to the earlier ones.)

If I do have energy in the evening, I have a cashew milk toffee order, so I might make that (which means I’m making a batch, so now is a good time to order if you want some), if not, I’ll make it tomorrow. The kids could use mini muffins for breakfast grab-and-go, so I might make a batch of those. We’ll see.

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