Agree to Disagree, Cat

I came back around 8:15 last night from setting up the shop (which is thankfully only a 10 minute drive from my house), and I was exhausted (I put the whole shop up in two days, the other sellers there said I had the record for speed 🙂 ), and I really wanted something delicious for dinner, and I didn’t think there’d be anything, so I’d resigned myself to the second half of the sandwich I’d bought on campus for lunch…

…but when I got home, I found that Kevin had gathered rapini from our garden (first time growing it!) and made something garlicky and spicy (with chilies also from the garden) and delicious, and I was so happy. Sopped up the seasoned olive oil with a slice of bread — heaven. THEN I ate the second half of my sandwich, because I was still hungry.

I was too tired to cope with putting away laundry and packing, so I basically watched part of a Gilmore Girls with Kavi, chatted briefly with the kids and reminded them I’d be gone for a few days to help Thatha with some estate planning paperwork (jeez, this stuff is complicated, we probably should have started it a long time ago, but we’re getting through it, slowly…).

Then I went to bed with Kevin and we tried the first episode of a new show, because our current shows (Wheel of Time and Lower Decks) don’t have new episodes ’til the end of the week, and I wasn’t in the mood for Breeders (which is generally good, but can be emotionally heavy. The new show is on the CW, which means it has LOTS. OF. ADS. We were a little startled; it’s been a while since we watched something with ads. I’m guessing we could pay more for an ad-free version.

But anyway, we tried the first episode of a show called Dark Matter, and it’s a little weirdly Firefly-ish in the feel of the casting (spaceship with small crew of 6 + one android, and you can map many of the character-types onto Firefly characters in the first episode), but they’re clearly taking it in a very different direction, and it was engaging enough (with a few big surprises in the first episode) that I think we’ll try a few more. We’ll see.

This morning went pretty smoothly — I did hit snooze on the alarm a few times, but managed to wake up in time to shower and dress and put away laundry (well, sufficiently for packing) and pack and get to the airport on time, helped by the fact that my flight is delayed an hour.

I was happy for the extra time, which also let me get a giant chai and some egg bites, which have managed to finally get rid of the headache that has been bedeviling me all morning (despite application of ibuprofen). I suspect I got pretty dehydrated in my mad rush of the last two days; I don’t remember drinking water very much. Better now.

Arya says, “Your sweater is very cute and autumnal, but it would be even cuter with a cat instead of fox on it.” We may have to agree to disagree, cat.

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