Connected to the World Again

Arrived on LUMS campus in Lahore, have hooked laptop and phone up to WiFi, managed to plug in my almost-out-of-power phone (there’s a universal plug in the room, but I brought an adapter too), feel connected to the world again.

It’s 3:15 a.m. in Lahore, and I’ll try to sleep a little more soon, just to get on a normal schedule, but I did sleep quite a bit in transit, yay, Ambien, so I’m not feeling particularly tired. I may just lie in bed and listen to the unfamiliar birds and read some more of the engrossing Natasha Pulley novel I’m in the midst of (The Kingdoms).

But first a bit of travel blogging. I posted the first pic earlier, but mostly just highlighting that the Qur’an is an option in entertainment — I’m trying to think if I’ve ever seen the Bible offered on planes while traveling — I don’t think so. Although I’ve certainly stayed in plenty of hotel and motel rooms with complimentary Bibles. I’ve never read the Qur’an — maybe I’ll take some time to look at at least a little bit while I’m here.

Qatar Airlines gives you nice food on the plane. My dinner was a slightly spicy creamy chicken curry with accompanying passionfruit dessert — all yummy. There was also a grain salad thing, but I wasn’t very hungry; I took a bite, it seemed fine. My only complaint is there was no butter for the bread — if you’re going to go to the trouble to serve hot bread (yum), please do offer some butter with it! Although the two glasses of mango juice went some way towards assuaging my regrets.

The next meal (breakfast? lunch? who knows), I went for lamb biryani — the guy next to me had what looked like chicken tikka with rice. This one came with mango fluff for dessert. All yum.

I do think there was some offering of beef and mashed potatoes, and a vegetarian offering, but I cannot report back on those.

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