Garden Log 4/16/22

Went out and snipped one each from the hellebores, which are all now fully in bloom, trimming close to the base of the bloom and floating them in water, for an Easter tabletop display. There are a few repeats, because some are plants I divided and replanted, but I think have about 18 or so different varieties, buying 1-2 a year each spring, for almost a dozen years of living in this house.

Most of these varieties came from Gethsemane Gardens in the city, which tends to have a nice varied collection of hellebores — if you’re going up there, I recommend stopping at Ethiopian Diamond around the corner for lunch or dinner — their asa wat (spicy fish) is absolutely terrific, and their injera has just the amount of sourness I like. There’s also a great candy store right next to Ethiopian Diamond. 🙂

Some of these are big enough that I’ll be dividing them in a few months, when they’re done blooming and have gone to seed. In theory, you should wait ’til early fall, because dividing in the heat of summer can be hard on plants, but I usually just divide whenever I have the time for it, and by early fall, I’ve started my new semester’s teaching, and I’m usually in the midst of planting bulbs, so it can be a little hectic for dividing.

People rarely give away hellebore divisions, because it’s a relatively expensive plant, but if you have divisions to trade, it can be a nice way of getting some more variety. One of those double white hellebores came from a trade I made last year, for example.

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