Long Teaching Day

I’m honestly not feeling super-great today, not sure if it’s changing meds or what exactly (more on meds in next post), but I have a long teaching day to get through, with a school board commitment this evening in addition, so I think I just have to power through. Will try to take it easier tomorrow.

But on the plus side, I managed to put together an outfit using my “Temple Flowers” fabric in Jasmine Gold that LOOKS super-cheery, and that lifted my spirits a bit. Light enough for the summer weather we’re still having here, but the yellows look ahead to autumn that I really hope is just around the corner — I am ready for cooler temps, please. My garden is wilting, and so am I.

We had a good discussion in my lit. workshop this morning, which is always energizing to me. We’re reading from Dark Matter — “Sister Lilith” and “separation anxiety” and the students got very into discussing the gender issues in the former (they had MUCH to say about division of labor and chores), and the concept of separate / safe spaces in the latter. Lots of food for thought in those two pieces.

Also, if you haven’t read the Metafilter Emotional Labor Thread, Annotated, I recommend it to you highly. I just added it to their reading for the week:


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